Sunday, October 14, 2012


I used to feel like this and from this, it is.....
now like this :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What If

I love this song so much.....

To Surain...What if ?



                                                *bANG hEad AGaisNT tHE wALL *

Love Struck !

When you are so focus on something for instance, studies, career, dreams and life, there is just something else that divert your focus from all the things above. I would not say it is a distraction, well it can be either a beautiful or fugly distraction. I've been distracted a lot in life by boys....Yes! Boys... Idiots ! However it depended on how much of an impact the person had on me. I've been there, done that, therefore i pretty much don't want to experience it all over again. Why? Because it is such a long process, you get attracted to someone, you fall in love, the person plays you out, you feel like dying, you can't focus, you try to move on... and everything that revolves around the brain an life is Die Die Die. Hu Hu. Long long process.

But something else happened recently. Yes !  'That something else' is kind of distracting me. Wait! I have not finished..... I would say that it is a beautiful distraction !! Honest honest confession, I have not felt this way for such a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time. Yes people, 4 years plus !! That's like super duper long. I am trying to set a record for being single in the longest time, well i actually have set it-personal record. I used to be 'left' single only for like not more than 4 months. Not in terms of relationship but it's a crush thing, I like you, You like me... muhahhahahaha. Silly ! But this particular person has a mission to break my record! hahhaha. He asked me out on a date, fell in love with me, and got me extremely confused and at times i feel like slapping him. haha. I can't believe I'm saying this but i undoubtly have fallen in love with him. Oh God ! Never expected this in a million years. *Shoot myself*

Yes I am In Love ! OMG !!

To be Continued...... <3 font="font">

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Cry For Help

Everything is just so negative ! Things are not looking good. I'm not getting what i really want in life. Dreams are shattered, heart is broken. I have not slept well these days and i feel very lonely, weak and just feel everything is over for me. I thought i have found love, but NO! I thought i could go somewhere and start my future there, but NO! I thought everything would be just fine, but NO! I'm extremely sad and I'm exhausted just living with all these problems. I'm trying my level best to overcome this but somehow I just feel like my problems are eating me up. Oh help me, God help me !

~Now There's Only Me and The Lonely ~

I'm A Living Being With A Heart

Once again, my heart is broken by some guy who so called loved me. He came into my life, gave me all kinds of hopes and promises and just left me. I managed to contact him and all he could say is we are from 2 different worlds, it's not happening for him. So WHY Did you actually give me hopes, promises and all those attention i needed? WHY! Are you some kind of a heartless person? Do you call yourself a man? NO! you're not a man ! Stop breaking my heart guys if you love me..Love is not a game and I'm not your toy !!!!!!!!! What goes around comes out you heartless men out there !


I'M AFRAID TO LOVE AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!